Thursday, February 7, 2008

Technical Application - Style or Letter From a Concerned Owner


I’ve come to the end of my rope, friend. Your lack of respect is astonishing. As I look back on my pain filled days, in that hour of quiet meditation we all find when the suffering prevents us from sleep, you have invariably caused me the most anguish. When you heard my screams, did you feel joy? When you cut into my flesh, did you laugh? When you saw the streams of blood on my hands and face, did you rejoice? I have tolerated your malfeasance long enough. You will pay the price for your sins. Whether it is by my hand or the hand of your Maker, you will suffer the consequences of your actions.


I’ve come to the end of my rope, friend. I am astonished at your lack of respect. As I look back on my pain filled days, in that hour of quiet meditation we all find when the suffering prevents us from sleep, you have invariably caused me the most anguish. When you heard my screams, did you feel joy? When you cut into my flesh, did you laugh? When you saw the streams of blood on my hands and face like the varicose veins of a World War 2 veteran, did you rejoice? I have tolerated your malfeasance long enough. A price must be paid for your sins. Whether it is by my hand or the hand of your Maker, you will suffer the consequences of your actions. Not only will your guilt weigh upon your soul like the world upon Atlas’ shoulders, but your eternal salvation shall be in jeopardy.

1 comment:

Jonathan12345 said...

Sounds like a better version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.